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We assessed the potential for simulation and modelling of the blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) population in the Strait of Gibraltar to discriminate the environmental effects of fishery impacts. A discrete biomass–abundance dynamic model was implemented to obtain a simulated monthly time series of blackspot seabream biomass. On this simulated time series, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models were fitted. The best ARIMA fit provided a significant correlation of 0.76 and persistence index higher than 0.85. The proportion of variance non‐explained by the ARIMA models was correlated with a time series of sea surface temperature (SST) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The analysis of global, annual and winter correlation between the proportion of variance not explained by the ARIMA models and environmental variables showed that significant associations were not detected over the full time series. Our analysis therefore suggests that overexploitation is the main factor responsible for the commercial depletion of blackspot seabream in the Strait of Gibraltar.  相似文献   
采用卷积神经网络构建西北太平洋柔鱼渔场预报模型   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对远洋渔场资源和位置进行预报可以为远洋渔业生产及管理提供重要信息。该研究针对西北太平洋柔鱼渔场,利用海洋表面温度遥感信息和中国远洋渔船生产资料,基于深度学习原理,选取卷积神经网络构建西北太平洋柔鱼渔场预报模型。根据不同月份、不同通道构建了多种数据集,用于训练渔场预报模型。训练结果表明,4个通道组合的数据集的训练结果最优,渔汛早期(7-8月)、中期(9月)和后期(10-11月)测试样本的准确率分别为80.5%、81.5%和81.4%。以2015年的真实渔场数据对模型进行验证,模型的平均召回率为82.3%,平均精确率为66.6%,F1得分平均值为73.1%,预测的高产渔区与实际作业的高单位捕捞努力量渔获量区基本匹配。该研究构建的渔场预报模型可以获得较好的准确率,可为其他鱼种的渔场预报模型构建提供新的思路。  相似文献   
冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟是华北平原粮食作物的主要种植制度,存在氮肥利用率低、土壤氮素过量累积问题。为探索华北平原氮素高效利用的适宜种植制度,采用15N示踪技术,基于3 a田间定位试验,对一年两熟冬小麦-夏玉米的常规水氮和优化水氮、两年三熟冬小麦-夏玉米-春玉米与冬小麦-夏大豆-春玉米及一年一熟春玉米3种种植制度的作物产量、15N利用率、氮素去向和土壤氮库表观平衡进行研究。结果表明,两年三熟的冬小麦-夏玉米-春玉米产量为32 248.52 kg/hm2,分别比一年两熟和一年一熟提高22.16%和52.88%;15N利用率为33.36%,比一年一熟提高26.12%。3种植制度的氮肥去向最高为土壤残留,其次为作物吸收和损失,两年三熟冬小麦-夏玉米-春玉米的作物吸氮量最高为151.82 kg/hm2,土壤氮库表观盈余量为21.22 kg/hm2,显著低于其他种植制度。综合分析,冬小麦-夏玉米-春玉米两年三熟在稳产高产和提高氮素利用率上具有可持续的潜力,是华北平原未来较为理想的种植制度。  相似文献   
基于扩散理论的华北春玉米生理成熟后籽粒脱水过程分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
玉米机收籽粒可以显著提高玉米的生产效率,是玉米生产的发展方向。生理成熟后的籽粒含水率是决定机收质量的关键,受品种、密度和气候等多种因素影响。准确估算生理成熟后玉米籽粒含水率,进而分析其主要影响因素,最终确定玉米收获时间和筛选适宜机收的品种,对玉米主产区华北的春玉米籽粒机收发展具有重要意义。因此,于2017年和2018年在河北省泊头、南大港、玉田和山西榆次进行了两年田间春玉米试验,每年设置7个共性品种,每个品种3个密度,对生理成熟后籽粒含水率、品种性状、气象和管理要素进行了监测,并利用基于扩散理论考虑空气温湿度的脱水模型对籽粒含水率进行了模拟,进而计算脱水曲线下的面积(AUDDC),用以筛选脱水优异的玉米品种。结果表明,基于扩散理论的籽粒脱水模型对玉米生理成熟后籽粒含水率的模拟效果较好;年份、地点和品种对生理成熟时籽粒含水率(M_0)和水分扩散速率(k)具有显著影响,密度对脱水参数影响不显著。逐步线性回归分析得到灌浆期参考作物蒸发蒸腾量(ET_0)、最高气温和灌水量对M_0具有显著的正效应,生理成熟后30 d内ET0和灌浆中后期降雨对k具有显著的正效应,全生育期降雨对k具有显著的负效应。品种性状中对M_0影响最大的为苞叶层数(正效应),对k影响最大的为叶片数(负效应)。通过模型计算得到,生理成熟后10d华北地区春玉米籽粒含水率可以下降到28%,籽粒含水率下降到25%的概率为50%。由模型计算得到各品种生理成熟后10 d内的AUDDC,与AUDDC平均值比较发现‘京农科728’‘张1453’‘华农887’‘广德5’和‘金科玉3306’为脱水表现优异的品种。  相似文献   
本研究采用实验生态学的方法,以金藻、硅藻、绿藻3个门中的4种常见饵料藻叉鞭金藻(Dicrateria sp.)、三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)和亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)为研究对象,分析比较不同浮游植物的细胞数量和质量对CO2浓度升高引起的海水酸化的响应情况。结果显示,与对照组相比,(1) CO2浓度升高显著提高了这4种藻的生长速率(P<0.05);其中,亚心形扁藻平均比生长速率最高,比对照组高出13.5%;小球藻次之,为5.9%;叉鞭金藻和三角褐指藻均为2.2%。(2) CO2浓度升高使浮游植物细胞内的碳(C)含量增加、氮(N)含量降低,C/N提高;种间差异较大,其中,亚心形扁藻的C/N、C/P值、小球藻的C/P值和三角褐指藻的C/N值显著提高,叉鞭金藻不显著。(3) CO2浓度升高使小球藻单位细胞叶绿素a含量显著提高,小球藻通过提高光合作用能力促进生长,而另外3种藻叶绿素a含量与对照组无显著差异;三角褐指藻最大光化学量子产量(Fv/Fm)在实验初期显著升高;叉鞭金藻非光化学淬灭(NPQ)显著降低,快速光曲线初始斜率(α)显著增加;三角褐指藻和亚心形扁藻潜在的最大光合作用能力(rETRmax)显著升高(P<0.05),但CO2浓度升高对4种藻的光化学淬灭(qP)均没有显著影响(P>0.05)。可见,亚心形扁藻、小球藻和三角褐指藻在高CO2浓度下虽然生长速率加快,但营养质量降低。不同种类的浮游植物对CO2浓度升高的响应不同,这种差异可能会使未来海洋浮游植物群落结构发生变化;浮游植物C/N、C/P值的改变可能通过食物链对次级生产者,诸如浮游动物、滤食性贝类等产生影响。  相似文献   
白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)一直是甲壳类生物的高致病性病原。为了解市场上不同凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)商业苗种病原携带情况及其抗WSSV性能,本研究收集了6个品牌的凡纳滨对虾商业苗种(分别简称为海南Z、海南S、广州P、广州Z、黄骅R和东营M),先进行包括WSSV在内的8种病原的检测,然后,采用单尾定量口饲感染方式进行抗WSSV性能测试,并比较各组苗种感染WSSV后的平均存活时间、存活率以及累积死亡率的差异。结果显示,6个商业苗种都不携带WSSV,部分苗种检测有潜在虾肝肠胞虫(EHP)和偷死野田村病毒(CMNV)。各苗种感染WSSV后,平均存活时间从长到短依次为海南Z、广州P、黄骅R、海南S、广州Z、东营M。东营M感染WSSV后第4天达到死亡高峰,而海南Z在第6~7天到达死亡高峰,比东营M晚了2~3d。感染实验结束后,海南Z和广州P存活率最高,同为72.5%,而东营M和黄骅R的存活率最低。本研究表明,海南Z和广州P抗WSSV性能最强,研究结果可为凡纳滨对虾抗病新品种的选育提供基础数据。  相似文献   
In this study, we aimed to clarify the mechanism of sinking death during the larval stage of Pacific Bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis by investigating the effects of swimming performance on sinking death, using a behavioral approach. Swimming performance was examined 3–9 days after hatching (DAH) under day and night light conditions in cuboid experimental tanks. Swimming behavior variables such as swimming speed and swimming angle were measured under both light conditions. Larvae in the daytime experiment and larvae with inflated swim bladders at night were distributed on the surface layer of the water column. In contrast, larvae with uninflated swim bladders at night were frequently observed swimming vertically or sinking to the bottom of the tank. Larvae with inflated swim bladders at night were always distributed beneath the surface until the next morning (survival rates were 100 %). However, larvae with uninflated swim bladders at night swam upward repeatedly and later sank to the bottom of the tank (survival rates were 60 % and 38 % at 5 and 9 DAH, respectively). Larvae with uninflated swim bladders were not always able to maintain their swimming depth by swimming until the next morning. Additionally, their swimming speed and vertical swimming frequency (ratio) depended on the illumination and swim bladder conditions. Our findings show that larvae with uninflated swim bladders at night were associated with a higher risk of sinking death. The swimming energy capacity of Pacific Bluefin tuna larvae, which indicates the total amount of the energy that enables individuals to swim throughout the night without feeding, was found to be linked to sinking death.  相似文献   
When tropical shrimps are kept in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), one of the limiting factors is the maintenance of a sufficient water quality, and therefore, often disinfectants like peracetic acid (PAA) are added to the water either as prophylactic or treatment measure. In this study, PAA in concentrations of 0.1 mg/L, 1 mg/L and 10 mg/L was applied continuously for 56 days to small-scale seawater RAS stocked with Litopenaeus vannamei. Treatment with 0.1 mg/L did not result in a reduction in the total bacterial amount and therefore was not effective. A concentration of 10 mg/L led to significant changes in the chemical water parameters already after 2 days and was therefore not recommendable. A concentration of 1 mg/L led to increased levels of ammonia and nitrite within 2 days and to a significant increase in the bacterial amount in the water, most probably due to an enhanced growth of heterotrophic bacteria. The microflora showed significant fluctuations, and there were indications that the welfare of the shrimps was affected. Using 1 mg PAA/L for prophylactic use is therefore also not recommendable but might be an alternative option for short-term treatment in cases of disease outbreaks.  相似文献   
Biological input of nitrogen (N) from the atmosphere by free-living diazotrophs can help alleviate fertilizer use in agricultural systems. In this study, we investigated the effect of N fertilizer and winter pea (Pisum sativum L.) crop on the community structure and abundance of free-living diazotrophs in a two year study of dryland winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) no-till production system in Eastern Oregon, USA. Based on quantification of the nifH gene, diazotroph abundance was strongly influenced by plant species and the crop year in which the soil samples were collected. A greater amount of nifH copies was recovered in 2012 compared to 2011 either as copies per gram soil or normalized to the abundance of bacterial 16S rRNA genes. The quantity of genes was greater under pea than wheat in 2012 although no difference was observed in the preceding year. The nifH gene abundance was positively correlated to ammonium concentration in 2011 and bacterial abundance in 2012. Nitrogen application did not influence diazotroph abundance in the top 0–5 cm; however the abundance was reduced by application at the lower 5–10 cm depth under wheat crop. The diazotroph community structure appeared to be influenced more by N fertilization rather than plant species with the exception of wheat in 2012. Changes in the community structure over the two years were greater for fertilized than unfertilized soil. Collectively, these data suggest that year-to-year variability had a greater influence on diazotroph communities rather than specific parameters of plant species, fertilization, total N, total organic C, or soil pH. Multi-year studies are necessary to define the specific drivers of diazotroph abundance, community structure and function.  相似文献   
Human infections with Francisella tularensis can be acquired via numerous routes, including ingestion, inhalation, arthropod bite or direct contact with infected animals. Since 1991, there have been 25 reported cases of tularaemia in North Carolina, most of which were associated with rabbit hunting or cat bites. We present two adults cases of pulmonary and oropharyngeal tularaemia and review the reported cases since 1991–2013. We also present the fifth case of pulmonary empyema. While cavitary pneumonias are primarily treated with drainage, we illustrate a case of cavitary pneumonia associated with tularaemia successfully treated with oral ciprofloxacin after drainage. Tularaemia should be considered in patients with a perplexing radiographic image, animal exposure and lack of response to conventional empiric broad‐spectrum antibiotics. Even in serious cases of pneumonic tularaemia, fluoroquinolones may provide a suitable alternative to aminoglycosides.  相似文献   
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